SkyFlow SZF/P - venetian blinds in under plaster variant

The SkyFlow SZF/P flush-mounted version of the venetian blind is dedicated for installation in new buildings or existing buildings after making necessary changes within the lintel. That is why it is worthwhile to plan the use of this type of blinds at the design stage. The protective cassette is made of extruded aluminium and has a special plaster foundation, enabling plasterwork with any finishing material. The system has dedicated guide channels for installation. It is also possible to use round and square guide channels from a self-supporting or adapting version.
Venetian blind slats made of shaped aluminium sheet and are available in two shapes: C and Z. Stiffness and wind resistance is guaranteed in the case of blinds slats profiled in the shape of the letter C and their double-sided folding inwards. In addition, their rotation range is from 0 to 180 degrees. The slats in the shape of the letter Z are designed to provide complete shading and are additionally equipped with a special soundproofing seal. Their rotation range is from 0 to 90 degrees.
There are two types of pins available in the offer: steel (durable and resistant) and PVC (minimizes noise that may arise during wind). Max dimensions are: 4500 x 4000 mm (max. surface 18 m²)
2-layer wall
SZF/P_SZF90/P/280 + C80 + PU/P/T2 SZF + K/PU/P/T2 SZF + WUF - 24
SZF/P_SZF90/P/280 + C80 + PU/P SZF + K/PU/P SZF - 24
SZF/P_SZF90/P/280 + C80 + PP SZF/2 + LS SZF/3 + UP SZF/3/110 - 24
SZF/P_SZF90/P/280 + Z90 + PU/P/T2 SZF + K/PU/P/T2 SZF + WUF - 24
SZF/P_SZF90/P/280 + Z90 + PU/P SZF + K/PU/P SZF - 24
SZF/P_SZF90/P/280 + Z90 + PP SZF/2 + LS SZF/3 + UP SZF/3/110 - 24
3-layer wall