Privacy policy
Who will process your data and for what purpose?
Personal data provided by the users of the sunprotect.aluprof.com website as part of using its functionalities are processed by their administrator, i. e. Aluprof SA with its registered office in Bielsko-Biała, ul. Warszawska 153, 43-300 Bielsko-Biała ( tel. +48 33 819 53 00), e-mail: aluprof@aluprof.eu, in accordance with the EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT REGULATION (EU) 2016/679 AND OF THE COUNCIL OF 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (GDRP Regulation).
Any personal data and/or contact details collected in accordance with Article 6(1)(b), (c) and (f) of the GDRP through Aluprof SA's online corporate service are used solely for the purpose of making contact in relation to the user's enquiry, to which the user expects a response. User data obtained through Aluprof SA corporate website is intended solely for the use of Aluprof SA or its subsidiaries.
Important: in the case of activities based on the legitimate interests pursued by Aluprof SA (Article 6 (1)(f) RODO) - you may object at any time - for reasons related to your particular situation - to the processing of your data based on this ground. Details can be found in the description of the respective service.
Recipients of personal data
In order to fulfil the above-mentioned purposes, we may pass on your personal data: • to local partners at your express request, • authorised employees and collaborators of Aluprof SA, • to a company that provides us with delivery and maintenance services for our website, • we use Google Analytics, a web analytics service provided by Google Inc. • certain regulated professions, such as lawyers or auditors. At the same time, Aluprof SA informs you that a group of companies within the Kety Capital Group (for more information, see: https://grupakety.com/o-grupie-kety/o-nas/grupa-kety / https://grupakety.com/en/grupa-kety/) to which Aluprof SA belongs, may have a legitimate interest in sending your personal data within the Capital Group for internal administrative or financial purposes. In addition, other information concerning the rules of data processing is available on the main page of Aluprof SA under the GDPR tab: https://aluprof.com/us/company/rodo.
What data do we collect?
Depending on the purpose of the processing, we collect and use your personal data to the extent necessary within the scope of our business. These are, for example, data the scope of which derives from a given contact form or privacy policy.
What rights do you have?
In addition, other information concerning the rules of data processing is available on the main page of Aluprof SA under the GDPR tab: https://aluprof.com/us/company/rodo.
Our Data Protection Officer
Aluprof SA has appointed a Data Protection Officer in the person of: Mr. Michał Geilke, e-mail: iod_aluprof@grupakety.com, which can be always contacted in case of any doubts concerning the processing of your personal data.