Roller Blinds

Aluprof roller blinds

Interior roller blinds are among the most popular shading solutions used not only in public utility buildings but also in private houses. Due to their practical nature they are becoming more common than traditional curtains or drapes.

The advantage of roller blinds is not only protection against intense sunlight, but also from the eyes of undesirable persons. Fabrics used in such products also guarantee effective optical barrier for light penetrating into the room. They eliminate reflections that can occur on computer screens or television sets. These products are the perfect combination of functional and aesthetic values. Owing to well selected fabric they can also constitute a stylish addition that will give a unique character to any interior. Roller blinds systems designed by Aluprof are characterized by simplicity and elegance. Design of systems and careful selection of details ensures a modern design of the shutters. On the other hand, well thought installation solutions allow for fast and non-invasive installation of systems.

The Aluprof range offers four systems: SRT SPACE, SRT FREE, SRT FLAT and SRT FLAT MAXI.